Saturday, April 3, 2010

Muse - The Resistance (2009)

July 2006 I saw the supporting act of Muse at the Depeche Mode concert Touring The Angel, in Stockholm. On the concert I didn't even know who they are but I liked them. Soon after that I noticed the ads for their new released album Black Holes And Revelations on tv.

This post, however, is about their last album The Resistance, released September 2009. Unfortunately I have to say that I don't like it so much as an album, even after several plays in the last couple of days. In the first place the mix of rock, new wave, classical piano wrapped in typical Muse style sounded quite messy.

Most of the songs are really good taken alone. I can go further and divide the songs in a few groups that go well together. Undisclosed Desires, Guiding Light, MK ULtra, and I Belong To You remind earlier Muse stuff. Uprising, Resistance, and Unnatural Selections sound newer and catchy. Finally United States Of Eurasia and Exogenesis:1, 2, 3 can form a group of their own.

This is probably too complicated for me at the moment. But I'll keep trying because after all I think Muse are very good. I intend to listen the above groups of songs separately and add to this post later. In the meantime enjoy the album on Spotify!

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